Dan Hawes is a writer, producer, academic researcher, and technology entrepreneur. His portfolio includes an array of creative and technical works: he has created and/or produced twelve TV series, nine films, over fifty games and pioneered applications in Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.  For more details on Dan's academic, film/tv, and game producing activity, simply scroll down.


Dan’s work marries the worlds of technology, design, and academic research. As an adjunct research professor in the School of Information Technology at Carleton University, his research explores the design of immersive learning experiences aimed at changing perspectives, reducing racial barriers, and creating positive psychological effects. He also teaches courses related to game design, digital storytelling, and managing creative companies at Toronto Metropolitan University and Carleton University. He holds a Bachelor of Management Science and Honours, Management Information Systems from the University of Ottawa, Master of Digital Experience Innovation from the University of Waterloo, and Ph.D. in Information Technology, from Carleton University focused on the design of VR-based learning experiences.

Over the past 25 years, he and his team have created and produced twelve animated TV series (350+ episodes), over fifty games, and nine movies with broadcast coverage in over 120 countries. Most notably, in 1997, he co-created Chilly Beach, an Internet TV series that lays claim as one of the first web properties in North America to make the jump to network TV (Web 1997 to CBC 2003). In 2003, he founded March Entertainment (rebranded as Toonrush in 2013) forming one of Canada’s leading animation and gaming studios.

He is currently CEO/Founder of Just Virtual (justvirtual.com), a technology design studio that creates Al, VR, and Metaverse applications.

Dan’s recent novel, The Billion Dollar Metaverse Challenge, (available on Amazon) uses a creative story narrative to help readers demystify Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and the Metaverse. Dan plans two further book releases in 2024: Intelligent Worlds scheduled for April 2024 and Prime Time slated for Fall 2024.

You can find out more about these topics by following Dan’s podcast at justvirtual.com.


Dan Hawes is a writer, producer, academic researcher, and technology entrepreneur. His portfolio includes an array of creative and technical works: he has created and/or produced twelve TV series, nine films, over fifty games and pioneered applications in Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.  For more details on Dan's academic, film/tv, and game producing activity, simply scroll down.

Dan’s work marries the worlds of technology, design, and academic research. As an adjunct research professor in the School of Information Technology at Carleton University, his research explores the design of immersive learning experiences aimed at changing perspectives, reducing racial barriers, and creating positive psychological effects. He also teaches courses related to game design, digital storytelling, and managing creative companies at Toronto Metropolitan University and Carleton University. He holds a Bachelor of Management Science and Honours, Management Information Systems from the University of Ottawa, Master of Digital Experience Innovation from the University of Waterloo, and Ph.D. in Information Technology, from Carleton University focused on the design of VR-based learning experiences.

Over the past 25 years, he and his team have created and produced twelve animated TV series (350+ episodes), over fifty games, and nine movies with broadcast coverage in over 120 countries. Most notably, in 1997, he co-created Chilly Beach, an Internet TV series that lays claim as one of the first web properties in North America to make the jump to network TV (Web 1997 to CBC 2003). In 2003, he founded March Entertainment (rebranded as Toonrush in 2013) forming one of Canada’s leading animation and gaming studios.

He is currently CEO/Founder of Just Virtual (justvirtual.com), a technology design studio that creates Al, VR, and Metaverse applications.

Dan’s recent novel, The Billion Dollar Metaverse Challenge, (available on Amazon) uses a creative story narrative to help readers demystify Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and the Metaverse. Dan plans two further book releases in 2024: Intelligent Worlds scheduled for April 2024 and Prime Time slated for Fall 2024.

You can find out more about these topics by following Dan’s podcast at justvirtual.com.