Assessing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Gaming to Reduce Anxiety and Increase Cognitive Bandwidth, 323-326, 2020
Assessing the Value of 3D Software Experience with Camera Layout in Virtual Reality, 2019
Using Virtual Reality to Improve Learning Mindsets and Academic Performance in Post- Secondary Students, 2022
VR-based student priming to reduce anxiety and increase cognitive bandwidth, 2021
VR-based Context Priming to Increase Student Engagement and Academic Performance, 2022
Comparing Student-Based Context Priming in Immersive and Desktop Virtual Reality Environments to Increase Academic Performance, 2022
VR-Based Context Priming to Increase Student Engagement and Academic Performance, 2022
Technology solutions to reduce anxiety and increase cognitive availability in students, 278-291, 2023
A VR-based Priming Framework and Technology Implementation to Improve Learning Mindsets and Academic Performance in Post-Secondary Students, 2023